I'm already not the first to bet on what web 3.0 is, but it seems likely that I'm the first one with this take on it. Everyone is so distracted by ajax and I guess hasn't read It's the Latency, Stupid. I'm tired of web apps, I don't care how well they autocomplete forms because I'm tired of forms. I'm tired of cookies, tired of flash, tired of waiting.
- Web 1.0 The computer is connected to the network.
- Web 2.0 The network is the computer.
- Web 3.0 The network is the network and the computer is the computer.
In short, that means you should start learning wxPerl now.
um... java?
"The network is the computer"?! Vomit! I thought that was Java 1.1.
"Web 2.0" was either "roundrects and crappy javascript that breaks the 'back' button" or "'user generated content' around our ads." Given that "web 1.0" was "us-generated content around animated gif ads," I'm guessing "web 3.0" will be "advertising copy around flash ads."
scot on 2007-02-13T16:32:34
Thanks for the pointer to the latency article. It was very educational.